Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Quant à moi

Bonjour, all!

I guess I'm finally out in the that still a word we use?

...Blogs blogs blogs...

Blogs are a complicated concept for me. Despite my background in literature and language, blogging has always seemed like such a presumptuous thing for me to do. I enjoy when other people blog and I read a lot of different blogs, but whenever I began to think about blogging myself, I always felt a certain hesitance. Do I really have enough to say for this? Well, yes--but half the forty billion thoughts running through my head on a daily basis are jumbled-up whims such as "I would like to drop this cup of coffee into the stairwell just because..." or "I wonder what would happen if I slapped this stranger across the face for no reason" or "*insert various impromptu songs about cats and tying my shoes*". Is that really blog-worthy? And if I could finally organize my thoughts into self-expression, how likely would it be that I would look back on these public declarations as the bane of my youth?

Et cetera.

Well bane or no, the time has come. Future me, you are a judgmental hussy with better things to do than hanging your head in shame at the silliness of your past self. Go drive around in your hover car and play with your genetically-engineered unicorn cats.

Really though, I'm here to recount my journeys. You may expect a mixture of material (because there's just no controlling my brain content sometimes): walk-throughs on what I'm doing for TAPIF for the curious or advice-less, rambling (that's just gonna happen), and, of course--for all of you who have expressed the desire to live vicariously through my French adventures--lots and lots of pictures of everything all the time.

Graduating, wedding planning, and preparing to move countries all at once?

I might...maybe...have this.

(Here. I got you a cat.)

[picture courtesy of me, you thieves]

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